(from top left, clockwise) outside of the Vatican City, Piazza Navona (Rome), Piazza San Marco (Venice), a canal in Venice, a canal in Venice again, a Colosseum arch, and the one at the centre is looking out from the north coast of Venice.

From top left, first row: the Colosseum, Rory the Roman, Doctor looking out from the TARDIS, wall outside the Vatican City (which was boring) and a quene, a Dalek, Doctor, TARDIS, Amy and Rory, a Venice boat, TARDIS, Doctor, Doctor and sonic screwdriver, Inken reading a book, Doctor sitting on a Dalek, Doctor wearing a fez, Doctor 'sonic
-ing' you, Doctor and Idris, Doctor eating fish finger and custard, an Ood, a weeping angel, an angel eating the TARDIS, Doctor style with cool bowtie, fez and stetson, an imaginary woman wearing Venetian mask, Doctor being hot when he's clever, River insisting that it is her normal face, miniature figures of Doctor, Dalek, Angel, Cyberman, Ood, Sontaran, TARDIS, Silence and Headless Monk, TARDIS as tough-old-dependable-sexy.
Tool: pencil
Time: Varied - longest approx. 45-60 mins, shortest approx. 1 min