

A reconstruction of a prehistoric Maltese ritual specialist.

Reconstructed view of the Ggantija temples and Nuffara Hill in prehistoric Xaghra, Gozo.

Essay handed in. Life come back. Sleep rendered possible.
Good night, at last.


Malkoha's Child

A doodle which got serious.

Reference: [link]

Tool: Painter
Time: 1 hour and a bit


Ellie & Luke

Cuteness forever!
I haven't quite forgotten my 'Antioch' story (yet).

Reference: [link]

Tool: pencil
Time: 1 hour (which should be spent on more reading instead....)


DW monsters FTW!!!

A blushing Sontaran between a Dalek and a Cyberman and, yes, it is cool!
Massive DW love yay!

Tool: Painter
Time: 30 min


大衛關注小組成員 :) (Sean, Emily, Helen, Becky, Sasa, David)

Tool: Painter
Time: 45 min



This is Wysg. As you might have noticed I am awful at designing outfits. 

I am in love with this style. So much fun. 

Tool: Painter
Time: 1.5 hour


Not a king

Nameless character who should have been given a name years ago but remains nameless still. Well done my naming skill.

Tool: Painter
Time: 1.5 hr



More more more Doctor; and brush testing

Tool: Painter
Time: 15 min



City scene practice

The monument at the back may or may not be St Paul's.

Tool: Painter
Time: 1.5 hour


Perspective and forest scene practice

Inspired by the Hunger Games (which my friend Vineta suggested when I was thinking about what else can I draw other than Doctor Who)... but failed massively in depicting anything strongly characteristic of it hence it has become just a generic forest scene. Better luck next time.

Tool: Painter
Time: 2 hours




Tool: Painter + Photoshop
Time: 45 min


Italy sketch dump

(from top left, clockwise) outside of the Vatican City, Piazza Navona (Rome), Piazza San Marco (Venice), a canal in Venice, a canal in Venice again, a Colosseum arch, and the one at the centre is looking out from the north coast of Venice.

From top left, first row: the Colosseum, Rory the Roman, Doctor looking out from the TARDIS, wall outside the Vatican City (which was boring) and a quene, a Dalek, Doctor, TARDIS, Amy and Rory, a Venice boat, TARDIS, Doctor, Doctor and sonic screwdriver, Inken reading a book, Doctor sitting on a Dalek, Doctor wearing a fez, Doctor 'sonic
-ing' you, Doctor and Idris, Doctor eating fish finger and custard, an Ood, a weeping angel, an angel eating the TARDIS, Doctor style with cool bowtie, fez and stetson, an imaginary woman wearing Venetian mask, Doctor being hot when he's clever, River insisting that it is her normal face, miniature figures of Doctor, Dalek, Angel, Cyberman, Ood, Sontaran, TARDIS, Silence and Headless Monk, TARDIS as tough-old-dependable-sexy.

Tool: pencil
Time: Varied - longest approx. 45-60 mins, shortest approx. 1 min


Doctor Doctor


Doctor Who = ♥ (Gallifreyan two hearts!!!)